History of North Encanto Historic District

The History of North Encanto Historic District

Early Residents and Homeowners of North Encanto

North Encanto Historic District HistoryNorth Encanto Historic District history runs deeper than most people know.

People who originally moved here were a broad spectrum of very prominent figures of the Phoenix population.

The Beginning of Development

The neighborhood began its development in 1939 at the intersection of 15th Avenue and Thomas Road. It then expanded north and west.

North Encanto Dominates the Transitional/Early Ranch-Style Home

North Encanto illustrates the residential development trends of the 1939 -1956 period. It also contains one of the largest concentrations of intact Transitional/Early Ranch-style homes in metropolitan Phoenix, perhaps even in all of Arizona.

The neighborhood clearly shows the effects that the policies of the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) had on tract development and street layout, as well as the interruptions and shortages of World War II, and the subsequent postwar housing boom.

Watch a podcast interview featuring Laura Boyajian about the History of the North Encanto Historic District In Phoenix, Arizona

History of North Encanto Historic District Phoenix

Early Prominent Residents

North Encanto Historic District housed many lawyers, doctors, salesmen, teachers, a streetcar conductor, a forester for the Indian Services, Several policemen, farmers and a wrestling promoter at Madison Square Gardens.

Several early residents worked for the new large industries in Phoenix such as Goodyear, Airesearch and Reynolds Metals.

North Encanto Historic District History

Notable, Early District Residents

Among the notable early district residents who have had an affect on the city are:

W. H. Goettl (2934 N. 16th Dr), early evaporative and air conditioning manufacturer; M.S. Buros, M.J. Buros and H. A. Buros, Boros Brothers Contracting; E. L. Varney (3028 N. 17th Ave).

Prominent Architects & Other Notable Residents

Additionally, prominent Architect; Levi S. Udall (3112 N. 17th Ave.); Chief Justice of Arizona Supreme Court; the parents of Stewart and Morris Udall; C. B. Smith (3301 N 17th Ave.) Smith Iron & Steel all lived in this neighborhood.

Hoy Field & G.D. Hoy

G. D. Hoy lived at 1530 W. Avalon who was a teacher at Phoenix College. Consequently, whom the P.C. stadium, Hoy Field is named after.

W. Thomas and Bill Dickey

During the 1950s Lincoln Ragsdale, mortician and leader in the Black community lived at 1610 W. Thomas and Bill Dickey, a prominent Black sports figure and golfer lived at 1614 W. Thomas.

The above historical information was written by the late Tom Denny, our resident historian whom I had the privilege of attending one of his classes several years ago. He recently passed away and was a remarkable person.

Additional, Wonderful History of North Encanto:

Construction History

Pueblo Revival Home North Encanto History

Development began in 1939 with the North Encanto Park subdivision containing 89 residential lots between 15th and 16th Avenues and from Thomas Road to Earll Drive.

The first 51 houses were built by a syndicate who’s agent was Mr. Volney Bell.

The plans were by Orville A. Bell, a prominent Phoenix architect and construction was by Broman & Chapman.

Mr. Volney Bell’s Additional Construction Contributions to Phoenix

Volney Bell also designed the 1939 addition to the Arizona State Capitol Building, the Arizona National Guard Building in Woodland Park and several estate houses in the North Central corridor

The pre-war houses were mostly two bedroom, one bath homes. By February, ground had been broken on the first 29 houses, all of which had FHA financing. The remaining 22 applications were being processed.

Original Prices of North Encanto Homes

Houses averaged $4,000 and the subdivision was scheduled to be annexed by the city.

By September 1940, 20 homes in North Encanto had been occupied, 27 were nearing completion, 12 had been started and all of the remaining lots in the 89 unit subdivision had been sold.

Construction West of 16th Avenue

North Encanto Historic District history in the making continues in that by July 1941, construction had begun on the west side of 16th Avenue.

And, in January 1942, Joseph Nuber announced the opening of an additional 25 lots of North Encanto Park subdivision facing what is now 16th Drive. 

(It should be noted that there can be confusion in historic references as 15th Drive was originally called 16th Drive.16th Drive was called 17th Drive and 17th Drive was called 17th Place until the names were corrected in 1951).

Delayed Construction Due to War

Due to the War, construction on these lots on 16th Drive was delayed until 1944. In February 1944, Andy Womack announced the start of home construction in this and other sections of the city.

Then, Encanto Terrace subdivision, between 17th and 18th Avenues south of Earll Drive, was developed starting in 1945-46 and Truman Terrace subdivision, North of Earll Drive, containing Flower Circle was under construction by 1946.

In March of 1946, Alfred Andersen was building 22 houses on Flower Circle.

Construction After 1944

A Modernistic Style Home In North EncantoEven after 1944, when larger homes began to be built, they were still built in the Transitional/Early Ranch style.

By about 1950, the style had evolved into what might be called the full Ranch or California Ranch style.

Not everyone wanted a Ranch style home, however. There are also several Pueblo Revival and three Art Moderne style houses in the district. 

FHA Design Principles

The circular street plan of North Encanto appears to be the result of FHA design principles set forth in the “Recommendations for Successful Housing Development” published by the FHA 1938.

The principles suggest a “general return to the village idea” and reflect the FHA’s contention that homes should be built on streets that are residential in character.

As a result, the circular layout of the 1939 North Encanto Park subdivision was a significant departure from the grid layout typical of earlier developments in Phoenix.

There are seven different subdivisions within North Encanto:

  1. North Encanto Park: 1939
  2. The North Encanto Park Annex: 1940
  3. North Encanto Park Vista: 1941
  4. Encanto Terrace: 1944
  5. Truman Terrace: 1944
  6. College Homes: 1947
  7. Terrace View: 1949

Also known by “NENA,” you can check out their wonderful, NON-HOA neighborhood Association website  here.

Information, maps and photographs provided courtesy: The Late and Great Tom Denny, The Historic Preservation Office of the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department 200 West Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003 (602) 261-8600